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Control Participants

Control participants are study subjects who do not have the target illness/symptom or do not receive the target treatment. We hope to have many potential participants join the Q-PARC Research Registry both with, and without, conditions (neurodevelopmental, psychiatric, medical). This will allow us to grow a pool of participants to participate in studies currently in progress at our site (Queen’s Genomics Lab at Ongwanada, Queen’s University, Kingston) and at other research sites we are collaborating with.

Who can be a control participant?

There are no standard criteria for control participants. Often, different studies have different inclusion (to be eligible) and exclusion (to not be eligible) rules. Some studies use the term “healthy participants”. However, we want to move away from the assumption that a diagnostic label determines a person’s holistic health. Sometime a control participant can be a family member of a participant with the target condition that is being researched.

Current studies for control participants

  1. POND (Province of Ontario Neurodevelopmental Disorders) Network

A control participant for this study must meet the following criteria: (CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT AN ELIGIBILITY SCREENER/CONTACT FORM)

  • 6 years old up to 22 years old (Kingston site only, other sites may recruit younger participants)
  • no diagnosis (and not suspected of having) ASD, ADHD, intellectual disability, learning disability, mental health condition, epilepsy
  • not born prematurely (less than 35 weeks)
  • no brain trauma/head injury with sustained effects
  • parents and siblings do not have a diagnosis of ASD, ADHD, intellectual disability, disabling mental health condition (i.e. hospitalized, and/or seriously impacts working/personal/learning, and/or early onset and/or persistent over a long period of time)

Join the Q-PARC Registry to be contacted about this study

2. Family controls

There are some studies that require a “family control” meaning an individual without a condition that would participate with a family member who had a condition that is being researched. Ask your family member to join our research registry and invite you to join their family account.

3. Q-PARC Control Registry

Sign up with Q-PARC and you will be contacted about studies you may be eligible for.